Two Inferno Shows in One Day

I’ve attempted to go to two shows in one day before, but I think this might be the first time I’ve seen a band also do it. Thankfully they were both in the same city at least. I headed to Philadelphia to see Peter and Anna, as well as an afternoon World Inferno show at an art gallery, and a night Inferno show at a record store.

PhilaMOCA — Philadelphia, PA 2/23/19

The concept of an afternoon show is almost foreign to me, outside of maybe a musician playing at a bar, or an acoustic set at a record store. But weirdly enough, today’s record store show was the night show, and the afternoon show was at an art gallery-turned music venue. Interesting, I guess, but this is Inferno we’re talking about. Anything goes.

And because this is Inferno we’re talking about, they had a very late start, as is to be expected. Nobody knew where Jack was, although there was a rumor (or not a rumor?) that he was sick and in the bathroom puking. Oh, Jack.

“It’s okay, we know all the words.”

They seem to be playing more or less the same (ish) set lately, so they played about half of what they’ve been playing here, saving the rest for the night show.

Jack talked a lot, as he has a tendency to do.

He told a story about the shitty motel he stayed in the night before. First he didn’t have a bed, then he walked in on a couple having sex, then he finally got a room with a bed. (What motels even have rooms without beds?!?!)

He told the motel guy that he doesn’t use Yelp, so he wouldn’t leave a bad review, but that he should probably find a new profession.

I’m dead.

I was on top of the human pyramid for “Me vs. Angry Mob” again, which is quickly becoming one of my favorite things to do.

Gina sang her “Cats Are Bad” song before “Cats Are Not Lucky Creatures,” which is becoming a nice new tradition.

Screamy the Cat, drummer Felipe’s cat, is the new drum art, which is amazing.

The screen behind the band was also quite amazing. My favorite was, you guessed it, the cat.

But there were some other good ones too.

It got real hot in there real fast, and I started to get worried about the whole doing two shows in one day thing.

They closed with “A Night in the Woods.” Love.

They went over time by about half an hour because of the late start. Peter and Anna were only going to the night show with me, so they were outside the venue waiting for me to get late lunch/early dinner. I felt bad keeping them waiting, but I also didn’t want to leave early. I did come all the way to Philly, ya know.

Also can we talk about these cut-outs of the band? LOVE IT.

Creep Records — Philadelphia, PA 2/23/19

Creep Records was interesting. There’s a sorta venue on one side, then a record store on the other, with a weed shop in the back. It’s BYOB, so Peter, Anna, and I walked to a 7-Eleven to buy drinks and come back.

I didn’t care enough to watch any of the openers, just like during the afternoon show. Whoops.

Inferno played the other half of the set that they had started in the afternoon.

It was a small space, SUPER hot, but there was a lotta dancing, though. There’s gotta be at Inferno.

I didn’t even attempt to take my phone out for pictures or videos though, I’m not sure why.

They had a new set of paper cutout things, but ya girl goofed and forgot to get a picture. Whoops.


Lindsay Marshall

One time I sneezed and Billie Joe Armstrong blessed me.

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