You [Don’t] Know Me: #6 Guest: Tim de Vil
This week’s free episode:
Shawn Harris is creating music and a podcast about creating music.
#6: Guest: Tim de Vil
In Episode 6, the second free/public Monday show, Shawn hosts his first guest, Tim de Vil. If that name doesn’t sound familiar, it’s because he hasn’t released any music, or even a social media account yet. But listen as Shawn raves about his album that nobody has yet heard, and gives Tim his two cents about how his release might be best rolled out. *Spoiler Alert* at the end of the episode, TdV plays his song “Who’s Afraid of Sarah Little?” on acoustic, when he thinks nobody is listening. But you, dear listener, are there, in a mad twist of time and space, and you are listening.
Subscribe to Shawn’s Patreon to hear these podcasts from the past week and more:
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5